Saturday, November 17, 2018

Blog Reignited!

Wow. So much time has passed since I have been on this.

Last time I was on here, I was discovering who I am. Not much has changed.

I feel like I wasted so much time the past few years. I gained a lot of weight and strayed from the path that I had set up for myself. I guess I saw myself as married and slowly climbing the ladder at a corporate company that I loved. Truth is, things rarely go according to plan. I really wasted these last 5 years. A lot of self-loathing and just accepting the mundane. I can't even say that I had meaningful least not until this year.

This year, I have lost 50 pounds, I traveled to Spain and even found romance. I truly feel alive again this year. More alive than I have in the last 5 that I wasted. This isn't a post to pat myself on the back. This is way for me to embrace this change and hopefully this is a springboard that will set me back on my "path." Life is this amazing journey and I have so much yet to experience.

My cat, Joey, keeps me straight and gives me discipline. He is currently dependent on me and I feel like having this responsibility is important for growth. Not quite the commitment of a child but offers more companionship than a goldfish. He is my lighthouse when I am lost.

To the readers:

Have you guys ever felt lost? What things in your life helped? Any advice for me or people like me?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Public Relations Writing

After a good long month of winter break in Arizona, I find myself back in Columbus, Ohio for another Semester atr Ohio Dominican University.

I am on the third day of second semester classes. I am actually rather excited with my course load. I am taking a class called PR Writing! I have taken to classes of it so far, it's very interesting. I have it with one of my favorite professors here on campus.

Today we were discussing the basics of writing; in terms of normal writing and using AP style. Professor K. showed us a video from one of her PR websites. Here is the link:

I think this was a pretty harsh but true video. Peter Shankman makes many valid points about how advertisements have changed from 3 minute long advertisements in the past to 30 second clips that we are familiar with today. Like Shankman said, "a headline is essentially a tweet." I find that statement something to deeply consider. I am a pretty big twitter user, I like tweeting. The was twitter has been used was originally to update followers on what was going on. After watching the video, it makes you reconsider what you would originally tweet. To be thoughtful and think if my tweet with have any significance to my audience or am I just tweeting to hear myself?

Grammar is vastly important and an observation that has been made is that there is a possibility that newer generations may struggle more with spelling and punctuation because technology is perfoming most of the essential spell checking. Are we doomed? This pretty much concerns me because writing is important and my mind is trying to visualize what it would be like if the world began creating ads using the text language rather than spelling everything out.

Some toold that Professor K. gave us to use was:

I think this is a really cool website. Ever wondering if you have the basics down? If so, this is the place to check your skills. You can even start from the very beginning of grammar lessons and test whether or not you know your verbs and nouns.

Another website that stood out to me was:

Deffinitely worth checking out! I will be sure to visit this site more often.

Well this is my spiel for the day. Class is just filled with so much to learn and so many tools to use. I am now to work on an assignement called 60 second elevator pitch. We'll see how that goes.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Creating a blog!

Hey all!

For those of you who don't know who I am. My name is Scott but I am more commonly known as Rufio. So I sit here at 12:36AM trying to get my life together. I just finished my first year of college and I am trying to find a summer job. Life can be so tedius at times.

I just finished editing my resume and submitted an application to Office Max. Getting desperate for a job! Might have to work at a fast food place even though I have been trying my hardest to avoid those kind of jobs.

With a  new and current resume, I decide it would be a good idea to blog tonight. This isn't my first blog. Far from it actually. The thing is, I have been absolutely terrible with all of my blogs. Its awful, I know but I am sure all of my fellow bloggers can understand how blogging can be difficult at first. I am just trying to find my nitch.

Creating a blog can be so exciting. It is rich and exciting trying to come up with a clever name or just trying to get a name that isnt already taken. Here is the a fresh start for myself! I will blog atleast three times a week. I don't care if I don't have anything to talk about. I'll make it happen.

I won't let you (me) down!